鍚箟锛?/p>adv.宸笉澶氾紝鍑犱箮锛涘瘑鍒囧湴璇绘硶锛氳嫳[ˈnɪəli]缇嶽ˈnɪrli]鐭锛?/p>1銆丄fternearly缁忚繃灏嗚繎2銆乶earlylost鍑犱箮涓уけ;鍑犱箮澶卞幓;鍑犱箮澶卞幓浜?/p>3銆丯earlyeverything鍑犱箮鎵€鏈?鎴戝惉鐨勯煶涔?/p>4銆乶earlytasteless鍑犱箮鏃犲懗鐨?璇︾粏缈昏瘧渚嬪彞鏃佹鏃?/p>1銆丠e can nearly swim.浠栧樊涓嶅浼氭父娉充簡銆?/p>2銆両 was nearly killed in the accident.鎴戝湪杩欏満浜嬫晠涓櫓浜涗抚鍛姐€?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛?/strong>杩戜箟璇嶏細near鍚箟锛?/p>1銆乤dv. 鎺ヨ繎锛堝湴锛夛紝闈犺繎锛堝湴锛夛紝绂?.....寰堣繎锛堝湴锛夛紱涓嶄箙锛屽緢蹇紱杩戜箮閬擄紱宸笉澶氾紝鍑犱箮2銆乸rep. 鍦?.....闄勮繎锛岄潬杩戯紱涓磋繎锛涜繎涔庯紝灏辫锛涗笌......鐩稿鏃呬技锛岃繎浼间簬3銆乤dj. 锛堣窛绂伙級杩戠殑鐗堬紝闈犺繍姗¤繎鐨勶紱鎺ヨ繎鐨勶紱杩戜技鐨勶紱涓嶄箙鐨勶紱杩戜翰鐨勶紱灏忔皵鐨?/p>4銆乿t. 鎺ヨ繎锛涘揩鍒帮紙鏌愪釜闃舵鎴栨椂闂达級5銆乿i. 锛堥噸瑕佹椂鍒绘垨浜嬩欢绛夛級涓磋繎
nearly 鑻盵ˈniəli] 缇嶽ˈnɪrli] adv. 1.鍑犱箮; 宸笉澶?鍓瘝 adv.1.鍑犱箮; 宸笉澶?He can nearly swim.浠栧樊涓嶅浼氭父娉充簡銆?br />I was nearly killed in the accident.鎴戝湪杩欏満浜嬫晠涓櫓浜涗抚鍛姐€?br />The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited for bus.椋庡埉寰楀緢鍘夊, 绛夊€欏叕鍏辨苯杞︾殑浜轰滑鍑犱箮瑕佽椋庡惞璧般€?br />Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.涔旂殑鎽╂墭杞﹀樊鐐瑰悓鍗¤溅鐩告挒, 浠栦茎骞稿湴韬茶繃浜嗐€?br />I was nearly drowned last night, but was fortunate enough to be saved.鎴戞槰澶╁閲屽樊涓€鐐规饭姝? 鐪熻蛋杩? 鏈変汉鎶婃垜鏁戜簡銆?br />He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.浠栧樊涓€鐐硅鐑︽伡浜嬮€肩柉浜嗐€?br />Suddenly the car in front of us drew out and nearly caused an accident.鎴戜滑鍓嶉潰鐨勫皬姹借溅绐佺(閾剁劧妯┛浜嗗嚭鏉? 闄╀簺閫犳垚杞︾ジ銆?br />The car is pretty nearly new.杩欓儴姹借溅鍑犱箮鏄叏鏂扮殑銆?br />Strange thoughts float through my mind when I am nearly asleep.鎴戝揩鐫$潃鏃朵骇鐢熶竴绉嶅鎬殑蹇靛ご銆?br />Cars, trucks and buses produce exhaust nearly as harmful as the factories.姹借溅銆佸崱杞﹀拰鍏叡姹借溅鎺掑嚭鐨勫簾姘斿拰宸ュ巶鐨勫簾姘斿樊涓嶅鍚屾牱鏈夊銆?br />The patient, who had been asleep for nearly three hours, began to move his body.鐥呬汉鐫′簡灏嗚繎3灏忔椂, 鎵嶅紑濮嬪姩涓€鍔ㄨ韩浣撱€?br />Now that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes.鏃㈢劧浠栦滑鐜板湪宸茬粡鍐冲畾瑕佸缓绔嬩竴涓喘鐗╀腑蹇? 閭d箞灏嗚繎100鍚嶅綋鍦扮殑灞呮皯灏辫琚刀鍑鸿嚜宸辩殑瀹跺洯銆?br />After nearly one year, the bike he lost was returned to him.宸笉澶氳繃浜嗕竴骞? 浠栦涪澶辩殑閭h締鑷杞﹀張鍥炲埌浠栨墜閲屼簡銆?br />You're nearly twenty, yet you keep saying silly things like that.浣犲凡缁忓揩鐬庡啿瀹?0宀佷簡, 杩樿€佹槸璇村嚭閭f牱鍌讳箮涔庣殑璇濇潵銆?br />She was quite surprised when she was told that she owed them nearly twenty pounds.褰撻€氱煡濂规瑺浜嗕粬浠繎20鑻遍晳鏃? 濂规劅鍒板崄鍒嗚寮傘€?br />Time is nearly up.鏃堕棿宸笉澶氬埌浜嗐€?br />She stood nearly outside the door.濂瑰嚑涔庣珯鍦ㄤ簡闂ㄥ銆?br />We'd better stop at the garage to fill up, we're nearly out of petrol.姹芥补蹇敤鍏変簡, 鎴戜滑鏈€濂藉湪姹借溅淇悊鍘傚仠杞﹀姞娌广€?br />Nearly all of the people believed him because he was a very good man.鍥犱负鍒ゆ浠栨槸涓緢濂界殑浜? 鍑犱箮鎵€鏈夌殑浜洪兘鐩镐俊浠栥€?br />Nearly every building was damaged in the earthquake.鍦ㄩ偅娆″湴闇囦腑鍑犱箮姣忓骇寤虹瓚鐗╅兘閬埌浜嗙牬鍧忋€?br />I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to cut it out because I couldn't really afford it.鎴戜互鍓嶅嚑涔庢瘡鏅氬鍑? 浣嗙幇鍦ㄥ凡涓嶆槸杩欐牱, 鍥犱负鎴戝疄鍦ㄦ娊涓嶅嚭鏃堕棿銆?